The Art of Mentorship: A Personal Reflection on Guiding the Next Generation

Posted by Stacey Curry on May 1, 2024 10:33:32 AM

Recently, I found myself eavesdropping on a conversation that struck a chord. A group of young professionals, all around 30 and fresh in their careers, were sharing their struggles with getting guidance from more seasoned colleagues. Their stories echoed a challenge I’ve seen play out in many workplaces: the delicate dance of mentorship between tenured employees and newcomers. 


Powerful Coaching Practices for Manufacturing Leaders - Part 6: And What About Those Tough Conversations...?

Posted by Stacey Curry on Jul 5, 2023 9:43:41 AM

A 6-part series focusing on impactful practices for developmental coaching conversations. 

"The hardest thing for people to understand is that the relationship is the delivery system of anything you try to accomplish."  - Peter Block


Powerful Coaching Practices for Manufacturing Leaders - Part 5: Holding People Capable

Posted by Stacey Curry on May 9, 2023 9:05:21 AM

A 6-part series focusing on impactful practices for developmental coaching conversations. 

Holding people capable (accountable) is an important part of building trust, maintaining standards of excellence, and achieving goals in any organization or personal relationship.


Powerful Coaching Practices for Manufacturing Leaders - Part 4: The Artfulness of Asking Questions

Posted by Stacey Curry on Mar 1, 2023 11:38:35 AM

A 6-part series focusing on impactful practices for developmental coaching conversations. 

If you have read the previous post in this series, thank you! If this is the first time you popped open one of my posts, thank you! 

Writing is not one of my stronger skill sets. Writing is an arduous experience as I tend to overthink grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, logical flow, and the greatest fear of all…being judged by an unidentified person behind a screen who I will most likely never meet. Better yet, what if they respond and like the post and I need to respond intelligently and respectfully? What if I sound like a complete ne’er-do-well? All this white noise in my head leads to me losing sight of the fact that I’m simply sharing my thoughts and ideas and that takes a ton of courage. When I write something and put it out there for public viewing, I am being completely, unequivocally, 100%, vulnerable! And therein lies the artfulness of asking questions – being completely, unequivocally, 100%, vulnerable. 


Powerful Coaching Practices for Manufacturing Leaders - Part 3: Holding Up the Mirror

Posted by Stacey Curry on Feb 14, 2023 10:00:07 AM

A 6-part series focusing on impactful practices for developmental coaching conversations. 

Recently I read two interesting books, Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday and Why am I Afraid to Tell You Who I am? by John Powell. Each book provided a fascinating opportunity for self-reflection (DEEP self-reflection) and although I don’t necessarily agree that ego is the ‘enemy’ per-say, I do believe it is vitally important to recognize the various shades of ego we naturally possess.


Powerful Coaching Practices for Manufacturing Leaders - Part 2: Listening Simply to Understand and Not to Judge, Fix, or Solve

Posted by Stacey Curry on Jan 3, 2023 11:33:44 AM

A 6-part series focusing on impactful practices for developmental coaching conversations. 

Listening as a leadership competency is talked about often, but unfortunately a lot of our own “stuff’ gets in the way of actually listening with an open heart and mind.  We come to the conversation with a preconceived context, we have unconscious and sometimes conscious biases towards the person or situation, and even our mental, physical, and spiritual state of being plays a significant role in how we show up and listen to what is being shared.


Review of "Crucial Conversations - Tools for Talking When Stakes are High"

Posted by Jim Floyd on Jan 3, 2023 11:10:39 AM

In the early 2000’s I took part in a training course which I’ve never forgotten, and nearly twenty years later, it’s still as important as the day I first began learning about it and practicing what I was learning – How to have a “crucial” conversation and stay in dialogue. The training course took place at the Danaher Business System University (DBSU), housed in the Videojet Technologies facility in Wood Dale, Illinois, and it was there that I (and those attending with me) first learned about Crucial Conversations.


Powerful Coaching Practices for Manufacturing Leaders - Part 1: Focus

Posted by Stacey Curry on Nov 10, 2022 11:22:16 AM

A 6-part series focusing on impactful practices for developmental coaching conversations. 

Today’s manufacturing leaders are savvy firefighters – addressing and solving complex fires (situations) one after another. But what if there was a different approach? One that allows the employee to address and solve the complexity with their leader instead of being dependent on their leader to solve or fix the challenge at hand?  What might it be like if the leader paused, recalibrated, and approached the situation as a coaching conversation opportunity?


DRIVE BIG CHANGE: Transforming Leadership and Culture Through Team Coaching

Posted by Stacey Curry on Jul 8, 2022 9:46:09 PM

This article first appeared in Industry Week.


Next Level Leadership Coaching - New Certification Recognition

Posted by IMEC on Jan 12, 2022 2:15:59 PM

IMEC is proud to recognize Stacey Curry Lee, Technical Specialist in Workforce Development, who recently achieved the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) reinstatement.


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