US Manufacturing Overview for 2024 With ITR Economist Michael Feuz

Posted by IMEC on Jul 23, 2024 4:47:30 PM

This article is provided by ITR Economics in partnership with IMEC.


How to Improve Cash Flow in Your Manufacturing Business

Posted by IMEC on Dec 21, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Cash-flow strategies are imperative in manufacturing because the cash-conversion cycle can be quite lengthy. Here are several strategies to consider for your business:


Track Your Cash Flow
The only way to know where your cash is going is by monitoring your cash flow biweekly or monthly.


Working Capital in Manufacturing: How to Thrive in Periods of Rising Costs & Explosive Growth

Posted by IMEC on Aug 20, 2019 1:19:48 PM

This is an original article written by Alex Newman, Co-Founder and CEO of Finance Fuel.

A quick definition so that we’re on the same page: Working capital is your cash for day-to-day expenses. More specifically, working capital represents short-term assets available to a business for meeting their financial obligations like payroll, creditors, and suppliers. Cash flow is your ability to generate cash over time, while working capital is a snapshot of what’s on hand.


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