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US Manufacturing Overview for 2024 With ITR Economist Michael Feuz

Posted by IMEC on Jul 23, 2024 4:47:30 PM

This article is provided by ITR Economics in partnership with IMEC.


The Risks and Challenges of a Non-Digital Training Processes in Food Manufacturing

Posted by IMEC on Apr 30, 2024 2:04:44 PM

This is an original article from Workforge.

By: Ramsey Atieh

Credit: Workforge

Welcome to the first installment of our four-part series on why you need to stay ever ready for audits in food manufacturing. Throughout this series, we'll explore strategies for food manufacturers to effectively ready themselves for audits by harnessing digital tools, ensuring robust safety standards, compliance, and transforming audits into streamlined processes at the click of a button.


10 Terms Manufacturers Need to Know About Sustainability

Posted by IMEC on Mar 13, 2024 11:23:55 AM

By: Todd Weinstein, President of ESG OWL

Sustainability can be overwhelming with acronyms and terminology. If you’re trying to build a foundation of key sustainability topics and terms, you’re in the right place.


Attracting Qualified Applicants Through Social Media

Posted by IMEC on Feb 28, 2024 4:39:04 PM

This is an original article from MFG Empire.

By: Matt O'Reilly, VP, MFG Empire

Credit: MFG Empire

In the evolving landscape of recruitment, social media has emerged as a game changer for
connecting with potential candidates, particularly in the manufacturing sector. With a vast
majority of the workforce active on various social media channels, leveraging these platforms for recruitment marketing can significantly enhance a company’s ability to attract top talent. Let’s explore some effective strategies for using social media channels to reach, capture, and engage your target audience in the manufacturing sector.


The Benefits of Data Collection for Manufacturing Companies

Posted by IMEC on Feb 21, 2024 9:56:28 AM

This is an original article from Veryable.

By: Matthew Babich

Credit: Veryable

Imagine yourself sitting at a table, attempting to complete a puzzle blindfolded. Without the use of your eyes, you find your hands scrambling around the table, hopelessly feeling edges and shoving pieces together at random. With the use of your eyes, the information needed to complete the task efficiently is clear, like where the colors match and where they don’t.


8 Ways to Improve Your Supplier Selection Process

Posted by IMEC on Jun 20, 2023 11:46:47 AM

This is an original article from the NIST Manufacturing Innovation Blog.

By: Art Thomas

Credit: iStock/Yuri_Arcurs

Many manufacturers have had to make significant changes in suppliers in recent years because of various disruptions. Small and medium-sized manufacturers are often resource-challenged and do not have supply chain specialists to focus on vetting suppliers.


Update on the Construction Market

Posted by IMEC on Feb 20, 2023 1:47:49 PM

This article is provided by ITR Economics in partnership with IMEC.


CMMC 2.0 Rollout

Posted by IMEC on Feb 1, 2023 1:52:24 PM

This article is provided by Core Business Solutions in partnership with IMEC.


Why 2024 Won't Be "Great Recession 2.0"

Posted by IMEC on Jan 24, 2023 10:46:30 AM

This article is provided by ITR Economics in partnership with IMEC.


Demands for Increased Visibility Are Impacting Cybersecurity Preparedness

Posted by IMEC on Nov 16, 2022 9:51:06 AM

This is an original article from the NIST Manufacturing Innovation Blog.

Digitization and connectivity are having a huge impact on more than just your manufacturing operations and ability to monetize data. Your vulnerabilities also are increasing as Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) manufacturing solutions involve more software, devices and digitally connected employees.

The manufacturing industry continues to be at high cyber risk as a result of global competition and geopolitical tensions. Companies up and down the supply chain are demanding more transparency into their customers’ and suppliers’ reliability in order to mitigate risks from disruptions. Some are starting to require cybersecurity assurances, a trend that will only gain momentum. Enforcing cybersecurity standards will ultimately protect U.S. innovation and competitiveness.


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