ISO 13485:2016 - Understanding Key Characteristics and the Benefits of Implementation

Posted by Margo Barr on Apr 9, 2024 11:57:02 AM

In the realm of medical devices, ensuring safety and efficacy is not just a priority—it is imperative. One of the key tools in achieving this goal is the implementation of the ISO 13485:2016 standard.


Equity Through Empathy: Embracing Inclusive Design in Manufacturing (Part 1 of 2)

Posted by Lakeshia Wright on Apr 8, 2024 2:06:24 PM

A 2-part series focusing on adopting an inclusive mindset in the workplace.

Innovation in manufacturing involves a constant race to make things faster and cheaper, but what if the key to truly groundbreaking manufacturing lies in understanding the human experience?


Developing a Supply Chain Strategy as a Small to Medium-Sized Manufacturer (Part 2)

Posted by Jeanne Perron on Mar 25, 2024 9:00:00 AM

In part one of this blog, we discussed time management techniques for your team to get out of firefighting mode. If you missed that blog, you could find it here. In this part, we will discuss some sustaining management practices that will help you monitor and continue to improve your departments efficiency, here are a few things that you should be tracking:


The Power or DiSC and the Benefits for Your Organization

Posted by Angelika Nowosadko on Mar 21, 2024 1:56:56 PM

Many of us can remember taking a personality assessment, whether that is in a current position, in a first job - maybe even in college. Personality assessments are typically aimed at identifying strengths and weaknesses. In an educational setting, these assessments may provide the participant with good career matches. In a workplace setting, these assessments can help leadership identify candidate position fit, or overall work team diversity.


Developing a Supply Chain Strategy as a Small to Medium-Sized Manufacturer (Part 1)

Posted by Jeanne Perron on Mar 18, 2024 2:08:27 PM

The reality of small and medium sized manufacturers is that you spend all your available time chasing deliveries and emergencies instead of working proactively to improve your company’s overall performance. This is the reality that most companies find themselves in because they do not have enough staff, time, or training to improve their situation.


10 Terms Manufacturers Need to Know About Sustainability

Posted by IMEC on Mar 13, 2024 11:23:55 AM

By: Todd Weinstein, President of ESG OWL

Sustainability can be overwhelming with acronyms and terminology. If you’re trying to build a foundation of key sustainability topics and terms, you’re in the right place.


The Benefits and Importance of ISO 14001:2015

Posted by Jesse Brady on Mar 6, 2024 11:56:32 AM

In today's world, where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of adopting sustainable practices. Among the various frameworks available, ISO 14001:2015 stands out as a comprehensive standard for environmental management systems (EMS). This blog aims to provide an overview of the requirements outlined in ISO 14001:2015 and how organizations can leverage it to enhance their environmental performance.


Attracting Qualified Applicants Through Social Media

Posted by IMEC on Feb 28, 2024 4:39:04 PM

This is an original article from MFG Empire.

By: Matt O'Reilly, VP, MFG Empire

Credit: MFG Empire

In the evolving landscape of recruitment, social media has emerged as a game changer for
connecting with potential candidates, particularly in the manufacturing sector. With a vast
majority of the workforce active on various social media channels, leveraging these platforms for recruitment marketing can significantly enhance a company’s ability to attract top talent. Let’s explore some effective strategies for using social media channels to reach, capture, and engage your target audience in the manufacturing sector.


The Daily Shop Floor Huddle: The Most Important Meeting in the Day of a Manufacturing Operation

Posted by Mark Loscudo on Feb 27, 2024 2:33:46 PM


Working with numerous small to medium sized, mostly family-owned manufacturing companies, I have found there is an ongoing struggle in their lean transformation away from a traditional approach to manufacturing. Why is that?


The Benefits of Data Collection for Manufacturing Companies

Posted by IMEC on Feb 21, 2024 9:56:28 AM

This is an original article from Veryable.

By: Matthew Babich

Credit: Veryable

Imagine yourself sitting at a table, attempting to complete a puzzle blindfolded. Without the use of your eyes, you find your hands scrambling around the table, hopelessly feeling edges and shoving pieces together at random. With the use of your eyes, the information needed to complete the task efficiently is clear, like where the colors match and where they don’t.


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