Do More with Less – The march of Productivity

Posted by Shankar Anant on Apr 15, 2020 3:11:12 PM

What is the post-Covid 19 workplace going to look like? How will companies thrive? In some ways, it could be a very different world from as recently as 2019; or it could be more of the same as the past decade or two. Or the past century. The march of productivity has been going on for a very long time.


Gaining Trust in a Crisis

Posted by Mary Hallock on Apr 15, 2020 9:46:49 AM

It’s hard to be a leader right now. You have people relying on you that are worried about their jobs, scared that they or someone in their family may become ill, or are just incapacitated by the overwhelming sequence of events that have occurred due to the COVID-19 crisis. At the same time, you may have some of these same worries and concerns. So, how do you take care of yourself and all the others who are relying on you?


COVID-19 and Problem-Solving Skills

Posted by Shankar Anant on Apr 9, 2020 8:46:00 AM

COVID-19 has brought the world to its knees! For most people in the world, daily life has been disrupted in an unprecedented way. Besides the awful toll on human life, job losses, business failures, etc. are now becoming more prevalent. The impact on the global economy has barely begun to be measured.


COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Checklist

Posted by Mary Hallock on Apr 8, 2020 3:19:27 PM

You shouldn’t wait until an employee is exposed to or tests positive for the COVID-19 virus. Rather, you should create a facilities plan that will help keep your employees as safe as possible.

Here are some things to consider as you develop your plan:


Preventative Maintenance Now for Success Later

Posted by Jesse Brady on Apr 8, 2020 12:37:10 PM

In times of uncertainty, it is best to focus on the things we can control. So as organizations face a slowdown in incoming orders or employee absenteeism, now is the time to address those nagging equipment issues. Companies can stay productive and have confidence that when things get back to normal, they will be ready since they’ve used this time to complete equipment overhauls / preventative maintenance projects. As with any project, following a structured procedure is key. Follow the steps below to ensure an efficient and productive project.


The New Supply Chain: Re-Invent

Posted by IMEC on Apr 7, 2020 3:43:54 PM

Part 3 of "The New Supply Chain" blog series by Mike Loquercio, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Expert.


Four Key Elements of an Effective Risk Management Program

Posted by John Remsey on Apr 6, 2020 7:30:00 AM

Co-authored by IMEC Technical Specialists John Remsey, Ken Wunderlich, and Hanoz Umrigar.

Risk, as viewed as an exposure to a negative event, is a very broad and commonly used terminology.  From the insurance industry, to medical services, to business operations, “Risk” is deeply ingrained in common vocabulary.  With the recent global events, the question being asked frequently is how to effectively evaluate and manage risk when it seems that nearly everything is at risk?


Strategy in a Time of Uncertainty

Posted by Ben Krupowicz on Apr 2, 2020 10:18:07 AM

Co-authored by Ben Krupowicz, Executive Director of the IMEC Recognition Program and Holly Bender, IMEC Recognition Program Specialist.

It all happened in March.  The impact of the Coronavirus became real with social distancing and the stay-at-home order in Illinois.  We listen for updates, statistics and clarity on a daily, even hourly basis.   This is a period of great uncertainty.  We look for answers. How serious is this pandemic, and how long will it last?


The 5S Game: Improve Productivity and Quality

Posted by Ed Huey on Apr 1, 2020 12:14:35 PM

Did you know that completing just the first "S" (Sort) of the 5S strategy may double your productivity? As you are thinking about navigating uncertain times and maintaining your productivity and quality levels, 5S can help!


Three Foundational Reasons Productivity Levels Vary

Posted by Ashley Barsanti on Apr 1, 2020 8:00:00 AM

During this time, we need to be more alert than ever. In many cases, the demand from our work has increased, our families continue to need our love and support, and we as individuals need to make sure that we are mentally focused.


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