Printer Security Tips to Prevent Cyberattacks Against your Business

Posted by IMEC on Jan 28, 2022 8:16:34 AM

This article is written by Webit.


Business leaders invest a lot of time and resources into cybersecurity because they understand that protecting sensitive data is a necessity in the digital age. One business component that often gets overlooked are business printers. They are also vulnerable to cyberattacks, so make sure to follow these tips to ensure your company stays protected.


How to Translate Lean Principles Into Your Office Functions

Posted by IMEC on Jan 25, 2022 11:30:50 AM

An original article from the NIST Manufacturing Innovation Blog.

The lean manufacturing movement came out of a desire to reduce waste and inefficiencies and improve productivity in the operation. Many manufacturers have also benefited from the resulting continuous improvement mindset as engaged employees became empowered to change things for the better.


A Guide to Implementing Proactive Cybersecurity Measures

Posted by IMEC on Jan 14, 2022 3:13:08 PM

This article is written by Webit.

Running a business has always been a challenge, but the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape has made it even more so. Every day, newer, more sophisticated cyberthreats emerge, putting businesses at risk of significant data, productivity, and financial losses. Implementing a proactive cybersecurity strategy is an effective way to keep these threats at bay and ensure continuous operations. Here’s how to do it.


Next Level Leadership Coaching - New Certification Recognition

Posted by IMEC on Jan 12, 2022 2:15:59 PM

IMEC is proud to recognize Stacey Curry Lee, Technical Specialist in Workforce Development, who recently achieved the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) reinstatement.


Using Technology to Capture Standardized Work via the TWI-JI Format

Posted by Ken Wunderlich on Jan 7, 2022 12:10:21 PM

This article will focus on technology as well as Training Within Industry - Job Instruction (TWI-JI) module to capture standardized work.

The challenge: The onboarding process is challenging. The primary reason is two-fold.

First, if tasks are documented, they are usually written and describe the steps in the process. However, the onboarding process is much more than tasks. It involves a logical format that often uses more sensory input to be successful (e.g. vision or audio). Only, providing a written document for training has limited effectiveness as it does not consider all sensory input. Different individuals capture knowledge differently. Providing multiple methods or considering different sensory inputs will provide a more effective educational session.


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