Glenn Edwards

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The True Cost of Turnover

Posted by Glenn Edwards on Jun 17, 2022 8:00:00 AM

If we have a lost cost in our business of $100,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000 would you know about it? Should you know about it? Would you take action to reduce the lost cost?

What is the actual cost of turnover for your business?
Unfortunately, well over 90% of companies do not capture this true cost or know how to calculate it specifically for their company. To get a total annual cost, one must look at the cost per person multiplied by the number of employees lost in a year.


Talent Acquisition:  What is your Strategy?

Posted by Glenn Edwards on Jul 22, 2021 1:35:13 PM

“I can’t find people!"

This is without a doubt a common challenge for companies today. Challenges do not go away on their own. As leaders we must develop strategies to use available tools and resources to overcome the challenges. In most key areas of business there are strategic plans. The activities are planned, monitored, and managed to ensure the best results and minimize business impacts.


People are People: But More Importantly, People are OUR People

Posted by Glenn Edwards on May 26, 2021 11:48:03 AM

People are an organization’s most valuable, variable, and rewarding resource for managers in any business. Developing this resource in a positive workplace environment to create a culture of excellence is not magic, but... when it clicks, it is magical, and the rewards can be majestic. OUR people, OUR Team.


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