Amy Fitzgerald

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How do your leaders drive Performance Excellence?

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Aug 18, 2016 11:32:50 AM

So you think you are ready to pursue a Baldrige award?

Your organization leaders may start reviewing the criteria for achieving an award and see that it is quite overwhelming. This article is written to give you some insight into one very important piece of the criteria – Leadership and creating a successful organization.


Small businesses deserve their own Morning Bell

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on May 25, 2016 4:35:48 PM

What is the Morning Bell for Small Business?

The Morning Bell for Small Business is a campaign designed to celebrate the hard work you do and show how important small businesses are to thriving communities.

Big business has its own bell to start the workday and Chase thinks small businesses deserve one, too! Chase for Business is inviting a different small business to ring its own bell every day. Small businesses have many unique ways to ring their bells, whether it is a cow bell on a farm or a ding of a cash register at the local coffee shop.


Metro Chicago Exports 2016 Grant Program Deadline May 27

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on May 25, 2016 4:17:46 PM

Don't miss an opportunity to access funding to get your company on the path to exporting!

Small and medium-sized companies located in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will counties that are existing exporters or new-to-export with fewer than 500 employees are encouraged to apply.

The single-round 2016 Grant Program will award up to $5,000 to small and medium-sized companies in the seven-county region to reimburse 50% of eligible expenses associated with implementing an export plan. More information about eligible expenses can be found in this Frequently Asked Questions document.


Creating a venue for low-pressure manufacturing connections

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Feb 29, 2016 11:23:39 AM

More than 70 manufacturers and partners attended the February 24th Manufacturing Matchmaking event in Sugar Grove. Hosted by IMEC, Chicago Metro Metals Consortium, Valley Industrial Association, and Kane and Kendall Counties, the buyer-supplier forum provides a low-pressure opportunity for manufacturers to connect with a variety of potential business partners in one location. From the very small to medium and large Illinois-based manufacturers, all of the participants are able to identify an opportunity for growth and/or new sales.

"We really enjoyed meeting other manufacturers and building a new network."


Manufacturing and Marketing Can Make a Great Team

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Feb 29, 2016 9:55:36 AM

Two Illinois companies are working together to provide consumers with an exceptionally useful product. Technical Publication Associates (TPA) from Morton, Illinois and Plano Synergy (Plano) from Plano, Illinois are working together for the benefit of the consumer. Plano manufactures molded plastic cases to hold and protect a variety of sporting and/or hunting goods. TPA develops simple, yet effective, consumer instructions on how to use a product. “Our two companies working together has resulted in a high-quality product (Plano) with simple, effective instructions (TPA) on how our gun case can be customized, used, and maintained”, says John Whalen, Plano Engineer. 


IMEC Partners with Chicago-Area Manufacturer to Improve Their Process (Video)

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Jan 22, 2016 12:07:12 PM

Look to the Genesis Movement, powered by IMEC, to achieve excellence, competitiveness, and a skilled, adaptable workforce. ASK Power is a manufacturer for electrical connectors for big power.


80/20 Treasures

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Nov 20, 2015 10:49:11 AM

From the treasure chest of the 80/20 Experts - Submitted by Peter Philippi of Strategex

You’ve heard of 80/20, right? Do you believe the principle? Do you know the problems it reveals? Do you have an understanding of the opportunities it creates?

First, the principle: 20% of the input generates 80% of the output; 20% of activity generates 80% of the results; typically 20% of customers generate 80% of the revenues; 20% of your products generate 80% of the revenues; 20% of your employees create 80% of your HR problems…and on and on it goes.


The Learning Workshop - Training & Organizational Development

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Aug 26, 2015 10:44:41 AM

IMEC partners and talent management experts, AAIM-EA are introducing a new one day seminar to showcase the best and brightest training and organizational development programs.

AAIM strives to provide high quality, relevant training programs that can enhance both you and your business. The Learning Workshop will provide you the opportunity to not only participate and learn on four topics of your choice, but it will provide insight into what else AAIM has to offer in the Training/Organizational Development arena. The programs are interesting and engaging for employees at all levels.


Quad Cities Manufacturing lnnovation Hub Will Help Regional Manufacturers Grow

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Aug 11, 2015 10:09:12 AM

The Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce has announced the official launch of the Quad Cities Manufacturing Innovation Hub. The Quad Cities Manufacturing Innovation Hub will advance the area economy by helping regional manufacturers grow, diversify, and stay competitive.

"There’s a revolution underway in the manufacturing industry, and the Quad Cities Manufacturing Innovation Hub is here to help small and medium firms sort through the new technologies available, determine the impact to their business, and decide how to implement the changes,” says Curt Burnett, Executive Director, Quad Cities Manufacturing Innovation Hub. "We are at a unique point in time with so many new product forms, materials, manufacturing processes, and the internet of things coming together on the shop floor. Over the next few years, the ability to deal with this change will produce winners and losers all over the globe. The Hub is working proactively to make this region a winner.”


Matchmaking manufacturers for supply chain success

Posted by Amy Fitzgerald on Jul 31, 2015 12:37:21 PM

Manufacturing matchmaking has been on the forefront of the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center’s event calendar continuing now into its second year.  IMEC has been reaching out to a diverse group of partners throughout the state in an effort for manufacturing representatives to meet with potential new customers and suppliers.  IMEC is positioned to help manufacturers increase sales opportunities and gain a footing in regional and global supply chains.

The matchmaking and networking events  have a structured opportunity to network with potential customers and suppliers by sharing information, samples and more; similar to “speed-dating” but for suppliers and end users.


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