Written by Randy Slechta, CEO and contributed by Jeff Johnson, President - Leadership Management International, Inc.
Question #1: Did you accomplish your most important goals in 2017?
Research shows that only about 8% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions.
Question #2: Have you set your goal(s) for 2018?
If so, do you really, really, really want to achieve your 2018 goal(s)?
If your answer is absolutely, then you have to be willing to make some changes to ensure this happens. I find that almost everyone has good intentions to achieve the goals they have set. Most people start the new year optimistic that this will be a good year, this will be the year they finally achieve those important goals.
Yet 92% fall short. Why? There are of course many reasons, but I find there are a few big stumbling blocks that trip up most people. If you can overcome these obstacles, you can almost guarantee yourself success.