Lori Amerman

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Who is your kid going to work for this summer?

Posted by Lori Amerman on Apr 22, 2014 3:01:59 PM

Written by Lori Amerman, IMEC Operations Coordinator 

Like a lot of professionals, I started my career as a teenager, earning money babysitting, in food service and other odd jobs.  Most of the boys I knew were working on farms or in construction.  Those experiences at a young age teach work ethic and skills that are the foundation for a successful future.

Unfortunately, many of these entry level opportunities come with exposures to hazards of which young people may not be familiar. It's important they know how to recognize the risks and protect themselves.  The best employers take the time and have standard work procedures to provide a proper orientation to new workers of all ages.


Energy Efficiency & Conservation

Posted by Lori Amerman on Apr 3, 2014 12:52:11 PM

Written by Lori Amerman, Operations Coordinator

Evolving Technology and Emerging Competitive Advantage

In March IMEC partnered with the Northern Illinois University Department of Technology and Kaskaskia College Center for Business and Industry to provide a presentation on best practices in Energy Efficiency.

Industrial electricity prices have risen 36% over the last 10 years.  Researching energy bills and technologies should be part of continuous improvement efforts as emerging technologies are lessening the burden of controlling future costs.


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