What Comes After Onboarding? The Journey Is Not Over!

Posted by Angelika Nowosadko on Nov 28, 2023 2:36:52 PM

You have navigated your new employee through socialization, position training, and overall integration into the organization. They are now confidently going through their day and meeting other co-workers. You have noticed they attend your check in conversations with excitement and suggestions for improvement and began answering questions for newer hires joining the organization.


Onboarding - A Seamless Journey to Achievement

Posted by Angelika Nowosadko on Nov 28, 2023 2:35:28 PM

Now, let’s dive into the core of the onboarding process. If you missed the blog about pre-onboarding, I suggest reading that first and then coming back to this one. We went through the first impression, now the new hire has officially arrived for their first day: the first moment of onboarding. This stage is where the new hire becomes an integrated and productive member of your team. Let's explore this critical phase in the employee journey.


ENHANCE WORKPLACE SAFETY: How Bias Could Be Contributing to Workplace Injuries

Posted by Paola Velasquez on Nov 7, 2023 10:28:53 AM

Physical safety is a priority for manufacturers, yet we continue to see high incident rates of injury in the industry. In 2020, there were 373,300 total cases of nonfatal injuries and illnesses recorded in the private manufacturing sector according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, of those 36% had days away from work and 29% had days of job transfer or restriction.  Injuries can occur due to equipment failure, yet an often-overlooked contributing factor could be our biases and the immediate recipient of our bias is our employees.


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