Stay in the Game While Working Remotely

Written by Jeff Allspaugh | Mar 23, 2020 7:50:06 PM

"The times they are a changin’”-Bob Dylan 1964

No doubt all our work schedules and routines have been altered in the last few weeks. If we still report to a station in our workplace, procedures and social distances have changed. This impacts our communication style and frequency. If we are now remote, more drastic changes have occurred. Conversations with colleagues and customers may have most likely decreased from our normal rate and volume. Communication styles and tools have also changed, particularly for the remote worker.

Since many are new to the remote workplace and are making the typical adjustments related to personal schedules, discipline, and technology tools, the experienced remote worker must now be patient, tolerant and helpful for those new to the remote environment.

For the introvert who would rather focus on tasks than seek out conversations, this may be welcomed. For the extrovert, it will take extra effort to remain in touch and may be frustrating. Psychology Today shared an insightful article on how to remain mentally sharp, adaptive, and engaged regardless of where you may be on the remote communication spectrum.

Practicing good health and safety is vital today. Normally we think of that in physical terms...exercise and diet. But, staying tuned-in mentally is important and it helps us "stay in the game."

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