Why Manufacturing Day Matters

Written by Amy Fitzgerald | Jun 28, 2018 1:22:22 PM

Your Day to Open Doors & Open Minds

A recent study by the Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte revealed that more than 8 out of 10 Americans acknowledge the importance of the manufacturing industry but less than one-third of those surveyed would encourage their children to pursue a manufacturing career due to concerns around job security and stability, weak career paths, and poor pay.

As anyone close to the modern manufacturing industry knows, these concerns couldn’t be further from reality!

So what can you do?

First off, know the facts:

  • The average tenure of workers in the manufacturing industry is highest among all private sector industries at 9.1 years.
  • Modern manufacturing also has one of the lowest employee turnover rates among all private-sector jobs at 2.3 percent.
  • The average manufacturing worker in the U.S. earns almost $20,000 more than the average employee working in other industries.

Second, don’t forget to participate in Manufacturing Dayyour chance to show students, parents, educators, and your community what modern manufacturing really looks like!

Join the National Association of Manufacturers, the Manufacturing Institute, and thousands of manufacturers across the country this year by hosting an event to inspire more young people to join the manufacturing team!

Registering Multiple Events Made Easy

We’ve tried to streamline the event registration process but we know that it can be time consuming for Hosts planning multiple events or multi-day events.

If you’re a company, community, or other participating organization with multiple events, consider using the bulk event registration system, which can really speed things up. It’s a simple CSV spreadsheet you can fill out and then upload to the site to populate your event listings.

You can access the tool and instructions on this page of mfgday.com, or use the link to it on your Host Dashboard, right above the “Add Event” button.

Any Day Can Be Manufacturing Day

While October 5 is the official date for Manufacturing Day, any day can be an occasion for an MFG Day event. In fact, we’ve already had 60 MFG Day events this year. So if the first Friday in October doesn’t work for you, we invite you to participate whenever does.

Whatever date you choose, please join the National Association of Manufacturers, the Manufacturing Institute, and thousands of manufacturers across the country this year to open up the minds of the next generation — and to open doors to great career opportunities!