P2P – People to People. It’s all about people

Written by Dean Harms | Aug 30, 2019 6:41:43 PM

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks about changing himself. -Leo Tolstoy

My work is all about new business development. Start your business from zero and you quickly realize that new business development is not for the weak of heart. You have to be able to go the distance and do it every day. It is a marathon and not a sprint, even though there are days when you feel like you are sprinting the marathon.

And through this experience, you learn a lot - even when you thought you already knew so much. The 1st lesson is about knowledge and execution. Advancing your knowledge is a lifelong activity. Learning to stay current in your subject matter so that you have relevant content to share is critical. And the daily execution requires the standard work, discipline, and consistency to fill the pipeline. You give of your time, of your knowledge, and your commitment. You learn that it is not about what you get, it is about what you give, give and give.

The 2nd lesson – it’s all about people. I have learned that companies do not do business with companies. People do business with people. Companies don’t make themselves successful. People make companies successful. When two people come together with a common vision and desire to move forward – great things can happen. Focusing on relationship development is essential to that end. In developing relationship, you learn that people do business with those they know, like, and trust. By professionally sharing your time and knowledge - by giving - that relationship grows. It is something that you have to earn – it is not given. It’s a focus on developing your skills and professionalism to be the type of person that other people want to get to know. Are you working and changing to become that person?

Learn how you can develop habits that positively impact your productivity and effectiveness at the life changing Effective Personal Productivity Leadership series, beginning September 10! 

Effective Personal Productivity Leadership Series
September 10 | 8:3 0am -10:30 am