In part one of this blog, we discussed time management techniques for your team to get out of firefighting mode. If you missed that blog, you could find it here. In this part, we will discuss some sustaining management practices that will help you monitor and continue to improve your departments efficiency, here are a few things that you should be tracking:
Your KPI’s are now as follows:
Now it’s time to create the dashboard for your KPI’s and organize a monthly meeting to review and check all this information. Set up a dashboard and give access to those that need to review it. Consider keeping this within the department for a month or two to work out any bugs that might exist. Once you are comfortable with the data, provide access to others in management that will want to track your progress.
Create an agenda for a monthly meeting with your department to review the dashboard and the status of the special projects. Add to the agenda items such as current issues, time management issues, training that is needed, and opportunities for improvement. Of course, add a section for action items, person assigned, and the date of expected completion.
At this point, your monthly objectives are set, and you can begin to think of that list you created in terms of longer timelines. You will want to consider what opportunities exist to create closer relationships with your suppliers. Are there opportunities for a Strategic Sourcing Agreement (SSA) and engaging those bigger suppliers monthly. Consider contacting IMEC for training and further support in negotiating with indices on your raw material and ongoing strategic opportunities that can be developed.
Congratulations! Your department is now under control and headed in a positive direction!