Industrial Safety & Health: WEATHER

Written by Lori Amerman | May 15, 2015 4:22:59 PM

Written by Lori Amerman, IMEC Operations Specialist  and OSHA authorized trainer

There is one thing for sure about Illinois weather, it is always changing. We have made it through the snow and ice hazards and are now in the Midwest tornado season. In order to keep your organization safe from weather threats, here are a few reminders in preparedness:

  • Have you practiced a tornado drill lately?
  • Are all new employees trained on shelter locations and evacuation points?
  • Is anyone assigned to monitor the weather? Even at night and weekend shifts?
  • Are there any isolated areas in the plant someone would not hear your notification system?
  • Do you have a plan for an accurate head count?
  • Have you tested your emergency lighting and supplies lately?

Don't forget the heat index!  Temperatures are already reaching the high 80s and summer is approaching fast.

  • Are employees trained on heat stress and given time to acclimate to new jobs?
  • Is there a plan to proactively keep employee hydrated?
  • Have supervisors been trained on recognizing the signs of heat stress to know when to allow extra breaks and call for emergency assistance?

These are all very manageable preparedness tips to keep your organization safe from severe weather. Take a moment to develop a safety plan that is actionable and understandable. IMEC technical specialists are here to help.

In addition, OSHA's website has resources available to help manufacturers plan, train and manage these hazards.

Emergency Preparedness

Heat Smart Phone App

Occupational Heat Exposure