Seeing the Invisible - Single Point Lessons

Written by Marketing Support | Aug 29, 2013 4:25:00 PM

While there are many good texts that describe Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) theory and strategy, little has been provided to stimulate the thinking and passion of the “people who do the work”. That is, until now.

The goal of “Seeing the Invisible – Single Point Lessons” , GBMP’s newest comprehensive lean training manual, is to inspire readers to begin to create and circulate their own Single Point Lessons – to capture and categorize the good ideas and best practices, using words and pictures, and disseminate them at lightning speed, eliminating the need to re-invent the wheel. Readers of the manual can use the ideas and best practices in the book to teach the concepts and employees can adapt these concepts to their own facility, processes, and equipment. Regardless of the size or age of an organization, regardless of the number of employees or types of equipment, regardless of the nature of the business, be it a manufacturing or healthcare facility, industrial plant, university or school system, office, warehouse or laboratory, it is our belief that the examples in the book, these Single Point Lessons, will help foster the concept of shared responsibility for equipment reliability, change ideas at your facility, and result in improved safety, quality, lead times and profit.

The work done by the author John Kravontka and his associates at Fuss & O’Neill is essential and foundational to Toyota Production Systems (TPS) success and World Class operational excellence, and, according to Bruce Hamilton, President of GBMP, “everyone is very excited at the visibility created in this manual by John’s many single point lessons. “Seeing The Invisible” will energize your strategic Lean transformation by engaging your entire workforce, which is after all the aim of Total Productive Maintenance.  TPM is learned by doing; this manual is a guideline for doers.  We hope the lessons contained in this manual will both inform and inspire you to copy first, but then to create and share your own single point lessons.”

- Passage written by Lela Glikes of GBMP

The book will be available beginning Monday, July 29th at If you are interested in learning more about TMP contact IMEC at or 888-806-4632 and ask to work with John Kravontka.