Nicor Gas Economic Redevelopment Program

Written by Marketing Support | Nov 1, 2012 4:00:34 PM

As catalysts of information and improvement resources for Illinois manufacturers, IMEC strives to provide the most up-to-date trends and programs. Even the common overhead expenses such as electricity and gas should be considered when reducing cost or reducing waste. The following is information about the Nicor Energy Efficiency Program for manufacturers.

What is the Nicor Gas Economic Redevelopment Program?- This is a program that offers technical assistance and financial incentives for energy-efficient upgrades and renovations in existing commercial, industrial, and multifamily buildings.  With help from the Nicor Gas Economic Redevelopment Program, investing in energy-efficient improvements in your business can be easy and affordable.

Will I have help in identifying and completing my personal energy-efficiency improvements?- Yes, the Nicor Gas Economic Redevelopment Program offers expert technical assistance and guidance throughout the entire process. These services include a complete evaluation of the project and design documents, a report detailing recommended energy-efficiency technologies and systems as well as estimated savings and available incentives, assistance in apply for additional incentives, and design review and construction oversight to ensure quality results. This report also provides estimated energy savings for each measure and the incentives available from Nicor Gas and other problems. Participants then chose which measures to implement in their facilities.

What financial incentives do they offer? - The actual incentives and total value of technical assistance provided are based on the scope of the project, measures implements, and therms saved. The technical consulting, design, and engineering assistance (estimated $20,000 value) is provided at no cost and the financial incentives of $0.75 per therm saved (up to $100,000) per project based on they performance of energy-efficient upgrades.

How do I know if my project qualifies? - The facility must be at least 10,000 square feet and projects nearing completion may not qualify but projects early in the design and planning  process may qualify.

To apply for the Nicor Gas Economic Redevelopment Program or for more information, go to or contact their team at 773-328-7040 or